Run/Walk around Cassadaga Lake
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2015 ~ Rain or Shine
At the REDHouse, 91 Frisbee Road, Cassadaga, NY 14718
Registration: 9:00 am ~ 5K Run: 10:00 am ~ Kid’s Hero Run: 11:15 am
Individual Adult Rate: $25.00 until August 30 ~ $30.00 after August 30
Family Rate: (Up to 2 Adults and 3 Children) $50.00 until August 30 ~ $60.00 after August 30
Student Rate: $15.00 – no change
An award will be presented to the participant (18and under)with the most donations collected.
Children must be accompanied by an adult
No refunds. Please register before 9/12/2015 to ensure that you receive a T-Shirt.