Stephanie Baker, JTA Local Action Project chairperson; Chris Reilly, JTA president; and Jana McDermott, CAP executive director.
Members of the Jamestown Teachers Association once again showed their commitment to the community by raising $900 at their annual fall social. The money, raised through a Chinese auction and 50/50 drawing, was recently donated to the Chautauqua County Child Advocacy Program.
“Since first attending NYSUT’s Local Action Project classes in the summer of 2009 and expanding our community outreach efforts, we, as an association, have donated in the neighborhood of $30,000 to various charities and organizations in our community,” said Chris Reilly, JTA president. “We couldn’t be happier to have opportunities like this one and the ability to give back.”
The overall mission of the Child Advocacy Program is to end child abuse in Chautauqua County.
“We were honored to be chosen to receive the very generous JTA donation this year,” said Jana McDermott, executive director of CAP. “We were also very happy to have JTA representatives come and tour our center. Building partnerships to protect children is what CAP does best in our community. JTA’s donation enables us to provide child abuse prevention trainings, which benefits our entire community. We are grateful for JTA’s generosity.”