The Child Advocacy Program is a Non-Profit 501 (c) (3) Organization. Donations from individuals and corporate partners provide us with the resources to help child victims and their families begin the healing process. Please consider making a financial contribution to help us continue this important work.
Contributions to the Child Advocacy Program are tax deductible. You will receive a confirmation letter with tax deductible information for your records. For additional questions about donations, please contact us at 716.338.9844.
Chautauqua County Child Advocacy Program: 405 W. Third Street, Jamestown, NY, 14701
We are also always in need of supplies for our office. By making in-kind donations to the program, you help save us valuable funds that we can put towards the services we provide. Items needed for our facility include:
- Healthy Snacks
- Healthy Drinks
- Art Supplies
- Books
Thank you for your donation.